Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Utsukushi; Beauty (:

Inspiring lyrics! There's a story behind these lyrics.
A very strong mother who sacrificed for her children sake.
Her hope is beyond infinity. Cuz she believes that Allah is the Almighty.
Everything happened for a reason. Indeed, wonderful hikmah will be given.
To only those who is believing. To the One and Only Who Eternally Living.
That's the beauty when you have that will & intention. Which is only between you and the Perfection.

"When we ask from Allah, we are asking from an unlimited source of Abundance & Mercy".

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Inilah kita

Apa guna pandai berkata3
Jika ikhlas di sisi pun tiada
Di hati lagi tak bertakhta
"Perlu tabah", katanya
"Bersyukur atas semuanya"
"Berusaha lelah tiada"
"&& Sedar akan segala ujian adalah buat dirinya"
"Dari Dia yang Maha Esa!"

Bila tiba masa dirinya terpalit dgn serabut dunia
Segala dibicarakan itu tak lagi terguna
Hapus musnah kata3
Kata3 motivasi dahulu oleh dirinya

Maka muhasabah diri perlu ada
Agar tak rugi amal makruf kita
Jelas sempurna
Tak tenggelam dek ujian dunia
Ya perlu tabah katanya
Bersedia & reda
Bersyukur lillahi ta'ala
Usaha tawakkal diiringi doa
InsyaAllah dipermudahkan segalanya
Dunia & akhirat sana! ❤️


Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Person on this planet

"Never *ever* give up. Unless you are staring at the Angel of Death, then *every* situation is recoverable. This Ummah and its honoured believers have made absolutely stunning come backs. We have almost returned from the gates of Hell literally. The Prophet (s) has confirmed that, even if you are but an arm's length from the Fire itself, one can change his situation around. But you must have that Trust in Allah jalla wa 'ala. To believe anything less, to believe even if you are the worst person on this planet"

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Kursk, May 2013

Seketika kita berhenti.
Walaupun sehari sekali.
Perlu berhenti.
Biarpun di hujung hari.
Memeriksa diri atas segala yang menyelubungi
Itulah antara tempoh buat kita yang mengimani
Tempoh di mana kita terlibat dalam kritikan diri
Membuka kepalsuan diri
Lalu membebaskan reaksi dan negativiti
Keracunan ego terus terganti
Menjadi motivasi serta panduan rohani
Bak pekeliling insani
Kerana hidup kita di sini ibarat setengah hari
Hanyalah mencari reda Ilahi
Maka hitunglah diri kita sebelum kita terhitung di yaumul akhiri
Astaghfirullahaladzim.. Allahurabbi

"Seorang mukmin bertanggungjawab terhadap dirinya. Ia harus menghisab dirinya kerana Allah. Sesusungguhnya proses hisab di akhirat menjadi ringan bagi orang-orang yang telah menghisab diri mereka di dunia, dan sebaliknya menjadi berat bagi orang-orang yang mengambil perkara ini tanpa muhasabah".
-Imam Hassan Al Banna